
[Feature] Auto fit scale function: exclude drawings of indicators

petrichor-vibes opened this issue · 2 comments

Some main chart indicators with auto-scaling, making the price heavily compressed on the Y-axis.

Provide an option similar to the "scale price chart only" option in tradingview.


Tucsky commented

Provide an option similar to the "scale price chart only" option in tradingview.

So there's no slick method for this at the moment, but if you're on the staging environment (3.4.1+), you can totally overlay while snapping on the main indicator's top/bottom edges.

Every indicator comes with just 1 tweakable price scale in the UI (I'm talking top/bottom edges, vol/price scale, and log/linear). But if you wanna overlay a series from the same indicator over the main one, just toss a random priceScaleId
(remember only right and left will actually be visible as scale on the chart)

line(firstSerieValue) // This one's gonna use the indicator priceScale

line(secondSerieValue, priceScaleId=randompriceScaleID1) // 2nd over first
line(secondSerieValue, priceScaleId=randompriceScaleID2) // 3rd over first
line(secondSerieValue, priceScaleId=randompriceScaleID3) //

If things go a bit wonky and the scales fall outta sync, just hit hide and then show on the indi controls in the chart. Easy fix! 😃

Thanks for the reply, the excellent work you do is much appreciated! @Tucsky