SecureTrack get_entries_for_zone_id not displaying ipv6 netmask
leinadniw opened this issue · 0 comments
leinadniw commented
From the REST api you can see this ipv6 address with a mask of /64:
From pytos zone_entry.__dict__
the netmask is listed as "none":
from pytos.securetrack.helpers import Secure_Track_Helper
from import Zone_List, Zone, Zone_Entry, ZoneDescendantsList
zone_entries = st_helper.get_entries_for_zone_id(
{'id': 607, 'comment': None, 'ip': '2600:5000:2811:9::', 'netmask': None, 'zoneId': 42, '_ip_network_cache': None, '_xml_tag': 'zone_entry', '_attribs': {}, '_parent_node': None}