
Python navigation mesh library for Windows, based on recastnavigation. Can be used for generating navmesh and finding shortest path between points

Primary LanguagePython

What is it

This is Python binary library for generating and using navigation mesh. Based on RecastNavigation c++ library.


  • Generate navmesh from *.obj file and also from raw vertices and polygons data
  • Save and load navmesh to (and from) binary file
  • Generate triangulation and poligonization of the navmesh for using in external applications
  • Find the shortest path between two input points and the shortest distance to the navmesh wall from the input point
  • Works in 64-bit Python 3.6 - 3.10 and Python 2.7 on Windows only

How to use

Import module

import recastdetour as rd

Create navmesh object

navmesh = rd.Navmesh()

Init geometry


Generate navmesh data


Find the shortest path between two points

start = [2.0, 0.0, 3.0]
end = [-1.0, 0.0, -2.0]
path = navmesh.pathfind_straight(start, end)

For more details, see Navmesh class methods descriptions.


Source files of the Python module is placed on the separate repository.

Viewer application

The repository contains a simple PySide6 based GUI application. So, to use the application, PySide6 module should be installed into system.


python .\view_app.py

Viewer application

How to use

Left mouse button for camera rotate

Middle mouse button for camera pan

Right mouse button and mouse wheel for camera zoom

F key for framing a scene

File - Load Level allows to select *.obj file with level geometry and load it to the application. After level is loaded you can click Bake navmesh button for navmesh baking.

File - Load Navmesh allows to select binary *.bin file with navmesh data and visualize it in the application.

Baked (or loaded from binary) navmesh can be exported from application. There are two formats: simple text and binary.

File - Export Navmesh - Export txt... save polygon description of the baked navmesh as simple text file. It write into file three strings: the first string contains polygon mesh vertex coordinates, the second string contains polygons corner vertex indices and the third string contains polygon sizes.

File - Export Navmesh - Export bin... save polygon description of the baked navmesh as binary file. It store not only polygonal description, but also additional internal data, which used for raycasting and path finding.

Bake settings

At the right side of the application there is a list of bake settings. If the level geometry is loaded, then it use these settings to generate navigation mesh by pressing Bake navmesh button. It's possible to activate ``Auto update``` checkbox. After that the navmesh will be regenerate after any change of the settings.