
Change phpspec run or describe command quickly

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Change run/desc command quickly

What is the alias? What i win?

  • Normal: ./bin/phpspec run 'vendor\Project\CoreBundle\Repository\UserRepository'
  • Alias: ./bin/pec 'Repository\UserRepositor'

To creates a specification

  • Normal: ./bin/phpspec describe 'vendor\Project\CoreBundle\Repository\UserRepository'
  • Alias: ./bin/pec 'Repository\UserRepositor' -d

And than start without -d, to run the specification

  • ./bin/pec 'Repository\UserRepositor'

But you must specifies the namespace.

-./bin/pec -n 'vendor\Project\CoreBundle'

The run command: ./bin/pec 'Repository\UserRepositor' will be than change to: ./bin/phpspec run '[vendor\Project\CoreBundle\]Repository\UserRepositor'