
Forward-slash (/) is not an appropriate delimiter in all cases

artemip opened this issue · 3 comments

Several services that I create are built using Finagle using something like

               .reportTo(new OstrichStatsReceiver)

and the statistics generated by Finagle (and sent to Ostrich) end up being named


In this case, the configuration's metric naming scheme (e.g. "gauges/ServerName/pending") breaks, and there is no way for me to be able to access those statistics.

Is there a way around this?

wkm commented

Good point!

Master now supports escaped slashes when matching metrics. You should be able to use gauges/ServerName\/pending in the configuration. (admittedly, that looks hideous)

Awesome, thank you! Any idea when this and the other changes should be formally released?

wkm commented

These changes aren't controversial, so we just released as 0.0.4.