
Template Tetris game

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Tetris Game using ImGui and SFML Audio

This repository contains a Tetris game implemented in C++ using the ImGui library for the user interface and SFML Audio for sound management. The game is played on a grid where tetrominoes fall from the top, and the player must manipulate them to create complete lines to score points.

How to Play

  • Moving Blocks: Use the 'A' key to move the current block left and the 'D' key to move it right.
  • Rotate Block: Press the 'W' key to rotate the current block.
  • Drop Block Faster: Press the 'S' key to drop the block faster.
  • Scoring: Completing lines will remove them and award the player points.


  • Sound Management: The game includes sound effects for gameplay interactions, managed using SFML Audio.
  • User Interface: Implemented with ImGui, allowing the player to see the score and toggle sound effects.
  • Game Over: If the player cannot fit a new block into the grid, the game ends, and the grid resets.

Implementation Details

  • Grid Management: The game grid tracks occupied cells to place and remove blocks.
  • Tetromino Shapes: Different shapes are randomly generated using a predefined set of tetromino shapes.
  • Block Rotation: Blocks can be rotated using the 'W' key if there is no collision with other blocks.
  • Audio Controls: Sound effects can be enabled or disabled by toggling the checkbox in the user interface.
  • Threaded Sound Playback: Sound playback is handled in separate threads to enable continuous monitoring of sound status.
  • Player Input: GLFW input callbacks handle player key presses to interact with the game.


  • SFML: Required for audio management.
  • ImGui: Used for creating the user interface.
  • GLFW: Handles window management and user input.

Running the Game

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Build the project and link dependencies (SFML, ImGui, and GLFW).
  3. Run the compiled executable to launch the game.


  • 'A': Move block left.
  • 'D': Move block right.
  • 'W': Rotate block.
  • 'S': Drop block faster.

Feel free to explore and modify the code to enhance the Tetris game experience! Enjoy playing Tetris with ImGui and SFML Audio!