
segments and rsync-like software

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying out the segments support. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like currently this can't work with rsync-like software. After a remount, in the mounted FS I see both the segmented file at its normal location (BUT WITH A ZERO SIZE), and a directory called originalname**_segments**. Needless to say on the next synchronization run the rsync program will totally wreck havoc to this weird setup, removing the _segments dir, and trying to reupload the zero-sized file.

Sooooo, is this how this is supposed to work currently? Or am I missing something, and there's a way to enable "masking" of the entire under-the-hood _segments implementation from the FS users?

No sure about this. Never tested using rsync. The zero size is reported where? If you do a 'ls' does the file is reported with the proper size?

Also, which hubicfuse version are you using?

rgoe commented


i can confirm the situation described by romanrm.
Using fresh installed ubuntu 16.04.1 with hubicfuse git-cloned and build today (24/08/16).
Segmented files uploaded through hubic windows client (files are in /default, segments are in /default_segments - checked with swift explorer) are shown with size 0 when doing ls -la on the mounted fs (and also using mc etc.). I've attached two screenshots for one of those files. Let me know if I can give any other information and thanks for all your efforts regarding hubicfuse.

At the moment rsync is indeed not supported as not something hubic can handle nicely.