
Port to fuse3

Opened this issue · 2 comments

FUSE 3.x need some changes AFAIK, and currently the configure step fails with it. While distros package both version for now, it would be a good idea to port toward FUSE 3.x.

I will have a look at this when it comes available on GNU/Debian. I'm on the unstable branch, for now I still have 2.9.7, so I cannot test. Do you know how serious are the changes? What the configure error is? Can you report your findings? Thanks.

I think changes (w.r.t. porting) are not that huge, the changelog is here: https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/releases/tag/fuse-3.0.0

The configure error is just that it can’t find FUSE basically. Maybe just fixing the library detection could be enough, but for reference here are the changes that were made in sshfs to port it:

– removing of support for older versions: libfuse/sshfs@53a14ae and libfuse/sshfs@0908f57.

– porting to 3.0: libfuse/sshfs@3414644 and libfuse/sshfs@82e899f.

The important parts are in the second one, and you might want to keep fuse < 3.0 compatibility by using ifdefs and co.