
Segmentation fault on ls -l in Alpine Linux

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I'm trying to build a Docker Image with Alpine Linux to use hubicfuse.
This is how I'm building the Docker Image

FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk update && \
    apk upgrade && \
    apk add -t build-dependencies \
            git \
            g++ \
            make \
            curl \
            fuse-dev \
            pkgconfig \
            curl-dev \
            libxml2-dev \
            openssl-dev \
            json-c-dev \
            file-dev && \
    cd /tmp && \
    git clone https://github.com/TurboGit/hubicfuse.git && \
    cd /tmp/hubicfuse && \
    ./configure && \
    make && \
    make install && \
    mkdir /mnt/hubic

then I run the Docker Container with

docker run -ti --rm \
  --name hubicfuse \
  --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --device /dev/fuse \
  -v $(pwd)/hubicfuse:/root/.hubicfuse \
  my-hubicfuse:latest \

and inside I mount a directory with hubicfuse as explained in the README

/ # hubicfuse -d /mnt/hubic -o noauto_cache,sync_read,allow_other
settings_filename = /root/.hubicfuse
debug_level = 1
get_extended_metadata = 1
curl_progress_state = 1
enable_chmod = 1
enable_chown = 1
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:40.]:7==Authenticating... (client_id = '***')
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==HUBIC TOKEN_URL result: '{"expires_in":21600,"access_token":"***","token_type":"Bearer"}'

==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==HUBIC Access token: ***

==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==HUBIC Token type  : Bearer

==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==HUBIC Expire in   : 21600

==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==add_header(Authorization:Bearer ***)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:09:42.]:7==CRED_URL result: '{"token":"***","endpoint":"https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_***","expires":"2018-03-26T19:05:28+02:00"}'

FUSE library version: 2.9.7
nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56, pid: 0
INIT: 7.26
   INIT: 7.19
   unique: 1, success, outsize: 40

When I do an

/ # ls /mnt/hubic

everything is working fine

unique: 2, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 21162
getattr /
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==cfs_getattr(/)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==exit 0: cfs_getattr(/)
   unique: 2, success, outsize: 120
unique: 3, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21162
   unique: 3, success, outsize: 32
unique: 4, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21162
readdir[0] from 0
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==cfs_readdir(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==caching_list_directory(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==cloudfs_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==send_request_size(GET) (/?format=xml)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==add_header(X-Auth-Token:***)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==check_path_info()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==check_caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==exit 1: check_caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-MISS]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==exit 0: check_path_info() [CACHE-MISS]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==send_request_size: GET XML (/?format=xml)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:38.]:9==status: send_request_size(/?format=xml) started HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_***/?format=xml
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--     0* Connected to lb1040.hubic.ovh.net ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: none
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
*  subject: OU=Domain Control Validated; OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard; CN=*.hubic.ovh.net
*  start date: Jul  3 00:00:00 2017 GMT
*  expire date: Jul  2 23:59:59 2020 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "lb1040.hubic.ovh.net" matched cert's "*.hubic.ovh.net"
*  issuer: C=GB; ST=Greater Manchester; L=Salford; O=COMODO CA Limited; CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /v1/AUTH_***/?format=xml HTTP/1.1
Host: lb1040.hubic.ovh.net
User-Agent: CloudFuse
Accept: */*
X-Auth-Token: ***

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Length: 237
< X-Account-Storage-Policy-Policy-1-Bytes-Used: 0
< X-Account-Storage-Policy-Policy-1-Object-Count: 3
< X-Account-Object-Count: 3
< X-Account-Meta-Quota: 26843545600
< X-Timestamp: 1520681424.56409
< X-Account-Meta-Temp-Url-Key: XzRpA2ksJ5BD
< X-Account-Storage-Policy-Policy-1-Container-Count: 1
< X-Account-Bytes-Used: 0
< X-Account-Container-Count: 1
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< X-Trans-Id: ***
< X-Openstack-Request-Id: ***
< Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 17:10:39 GMT
< X-IPLB-Instance: 13554
100   237  100   237    0     0    142      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   142
* Connection #0 to host lb1040.hubic.ovh.net left intact
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==status: send_request_size(/?format=xml) completed HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_***/?format=xml total_time=1.7 seconds
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==exit 0: send_request_size(/?format=xml) speed=1.7 sec (GET) [HTTP OK]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==new dir_entry /default size=0 application/directory dir=1 lnk=0 mod=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==exit: cloudfs_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==caching_list_directory: new_cache() [CACHE-CREATE]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==new_cache()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==exit: new_cache()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:9==exit 1: cfs_readdir(/)
   unique: 4, success, outsize: 112
unique: 5, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21162
LOOKUP /default
getattr /default
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==cfs_getattr(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==path_info(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==path_info() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==exit 1: path_info(/default) [CACHE-FILE-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==get_file_metadata(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==send_request_size(GET) (%2Fdefault)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==add_header(X-Auth-Token:***)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==send_request_size: GET HEADERS only((null))
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==status: send_request_size(/default) started HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_***/default
* Found bundle for host lb1040.hubic.ovh.net: 0x56016a2d8f60 [can pipeline]
* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host lb1040.hubic.ovh.net
* Connected to lb1040.hubic.ovh.net ( port 443 (#0)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0> HEAD /v1/AUTH_***/default HTTP/1.1
Host: lb1040.hubic.ovh.net
User-Agent: CloudFuse
Accept: */*
X-Auth-Token: ***

< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
< Content-Length: 0
< X-Container-Object-Count: 3
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< X-Storage-Policy: Policy-1
< Last-Modified: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 11:30:26 GMT
< X-Container-Bytes-Used: 0
< X-Timestamp: 1520681425.51075
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< X-Trans-Id: ***
< X-Openstack-Request-Id: ***
< Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 17:10:39 GMT
< X-IPLB-Instance: 13554
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
* Connection #0 to host lb1040.hubic.ovh.net left intact
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==status: send_request_size(/default) completed HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_***/default total_time=0.0 seconds
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==exit 0: send_request_size(/default) speed=0.0 sec (GET) [HTTP OK]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==exit: get_file_metadata(/default)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==cfs_getattr: atime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==cfs_getattr: mtime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==cfs_getattr: ctime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:10:40.]:10==exit 2: cfs_getattr(/default)
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 5, success, outsize: 144
unique: 6, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21162
   unique: 6, success, outsize: 16
unique: 7, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 7, success, outsize: 16

But when I type ls -l I get a segmentation fault

/ # ls -l /mnt/hubic
total 0
Segmentation fault
unique: 8, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 21165
getattr /
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==cfs_getattr(/)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==exit 0: cfs_getattr(/)
   unique: 8, success, outsize: 120
unique: 9, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21165
   unique: 9, success, outsize: 32
unique: 10, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21165
readdir[0] from 0
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:19==cfs_readdir(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:19==caching_list_directory(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:19==caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:19==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:19==exit 1: cfs_readdir(/)
   unique: 10, success, outsize: 112
unique: 11, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21165
LOOKUP /default
getattr /default
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==cfs_getattr(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==path_info(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==path_info() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==exit 1: path_info(/default) [CACHE-FILE-HIT]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==cfs_getattr: atime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==cfs_getattr: mtime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 4691732962903619 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==cfs_getattr: ctime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 17:11:22.]:10==exit 2: cfs_getattr(/default)
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 11, success, outsize: 144
unique: 12, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21165
   unique: 12, success, outsize: 16
unique: 13, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 13, success, outsize: 16

This is the content of my $HOME/.hubicfuse file


What could be the problem?



I'm using only client_id, client_secret and refresh_token. So maybe one of the other options. Try without:


Thanks for your reply.
In my $HOME/.hubicfuse I have left only


Unfortunately I'm getting the same error

/ # ls -l /mnt/hubic
total 0
Segmentation fault
unique: 2, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 21298
getattr /
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:56.]:12==cfs_getattr(/)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:56.]:12==exit 0: cfs_getattr(/)
   unique: 2, success, outsize: 120
unique: 3, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21298
   unique: 3, success, outsize: 32
unique: 4, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21298
readdir[0] from 0
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:56.]:12==cfs_readdir(/)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:12==exit 0: send_request_size(/?format=xml) speed=2.0 sec (GET) [HTTP OK]
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:12==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3100162535172419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:12==new_cache()
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:12==exit 1: cfs_readdir(/)
   unique: 4, success, outsize: 112
unique: 5, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 21298
LOOKUP /default
getattr /default
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:13==cfs_getattr(/default)
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:13==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3100162535172419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:13==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3100162535172419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:13==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3100162535172419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 0 [2018-03-25 18:45:58.]:13==exit 2: cfs_getattr(/default)
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 5, success, outsize: 144
unique: 6, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 21298
   unique: 6, success, outsize: 16
unique: 7, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 7, success, outsize: 16

And I suppose this is only from a Docker image? It works fine on the host?

I don't have at the moment an host with Alpine Linux. I can setup a VM to test it if needed.
I'm running this Docker Container on my MacBook Pro.
I have tested this other Docker Image
which is based on debian:jessie and it is working, so I suspect it might be only a problem with Alpine Linux. Is there anything else that I can do to debug the issue?

At this stage you'll need to build in debug mode and to run under GDB to see where the crash happens.

I have no idea where to start to do that, I'll read up.
In the meantime I have noticed in dmesg that I get the following with ls -l

[177620.447341] traps: ls[23891] general protection ip:7fb250017fcb sp:7ffd915af650 error:0
[177620.448212]  in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[7fb24ffc4000+89000]

Indeed, I don't know either how to run a fuse application under GDB. The solution would be to compile in debug mode without optimization:

$ CFLAGS=-g ./configure
$ make

You'll need to have more debug info into the code itself to trace where the crash happens.

I have no better solution. Given the error above it sounds like the issue is in the musl (a libc implementation) which is probably what the docker env is using.

I have compiled in debug mode using

CFLAGS=-g ./configure

as you suggested.
To be able to use gdb inside a Docker container, I add to run it adding these parameters

--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined

When I run

gdb --args ls -l /mnt/hubic

I get

(gdb) run
Starting program: /bin/ls -l /mnt/hubic
total 0

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7dc5fcb in __asctime () from /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1

and running hubicfuse

gdb --args hubicfuse -d /mnt/hubic -o noauto_cache,sync_read,allow_other
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/hubicfuse -d /mnt/hubic -o noauto_cache,sync_read,allow_other
FUSE library version: 2.9.7
nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
[New LWP 15]
[New LWP 16]
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56, pid: 0
INIT: 7.26
   INIT: 7.19
   unique: 1, success, outsize: 40
unique: 2, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 13563
getattr /
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==cfs_getattr(/)
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==exit 0: cfs_getattr(/)
   unique: 2, success, outsize: 120
unique: 3, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 13563
   unique: 3, success, outsize: 32
unique: 4, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 13563
readdir[0] from 0
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==cfs_readdir(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==caching_list_directory(/)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==cloudfs_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==send_request_size(GET) (/?format=xml)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==add_header(X-Auth-Token:******)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==check_path_info()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==check_caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==exit 1: check_caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-MISS]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==exit 0: check_path_info() [CACHE-MISS]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==send_request_size: GET XML (/?format=xml)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:52.]:15==status: send_request_size(/?format=xml) started HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_******/?format=xml
[New LWP 22]
[LWP 22 exited]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==status: send_request_size(/?format=xml) completed HTTP REQ:https://lb1040.hubic.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_******/?format=xml total_time=0.7 seconds
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==exit 0: send_request_size(/?format=xml) speed=0.7 sec (GET) [HTTP OK]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3780814486500419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==new dir_entry /default size=0 application/directory dir=1 lnk=0 mod=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==exit: cloudfs_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==caching_list_directory: new_cache() [CACHE-CREATE]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==new_cache()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==exit: new_cache()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:15==exit 1: cfs_readdir(/)
   unique: 4, success, outsize: 112
unique: 5, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 13563
LOOKUP /default
getattr /default
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==cfs_getattr(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==path_info(/default)
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==caching_list_directory() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==exit 2: caching_list_directory()
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==path_info() [CACHE-DIR-HIT]
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==exit 1: path_info(/default) [CACHE-FILE-HIT]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3780814486500419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==cfs_getattr: atime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3780814486500419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==cfs_getattr: mtime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==get_time_as_string: input time length too long, 3780814486500419 > max=2147483647, trimming!
==DBG 1 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==cfs_getattr: ctime=[1970-01-01 00:00:00.0]
==DBG 0 [2018-04-26 18:03:53.]:16==exit 2: cfs_getattr(/default)
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 5, success, outsize: 144
unique: 6, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 13563
   unique: 6, success, outsize: 16
unique: 7, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 7, success, outsize: 16

In dmesg I still see the error

[29686.937925] traps: ld-musl-x86_64.[11897] general protection ip:7f706226efcb sp:7ffc6dba4520 error:0
[29686.939584]  in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[7f706221b000+89000]

Another thing worth to mention is the 2 warnings that I'm getting while compiling but I don't know if they are relevant.

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/6.4.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: warning: libssl.so.44, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/6.4.0/../../../../lib/libcurl.so, may conflict with libssl.so.1.0.0
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/6.4.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: warning: libcrypto.so.42, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/6.4.0/../../../../lib/libcurl.so, may conflict with libcrypto.so.1.0.0

Is there anything else that I can do to debug more?