
WebSocket Connection Not Sending Variables on Connect

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am working on a cloud api for scratch (https://github.com/ErrorGamer2000/scratch3-api). When I connect to a project on scratch, the most recent values of all of the cloud variables is sent. When connecting to turbowarp, this does not happen. After some experimentation, I found what is happening. When I load the project on tw for the first time, the current values of the cloud variables are loaded from the project's history (to be expected, as this happens when you download a project and re-upload it). The issue, though, is that tw does not count this update as a set action, so the server does not see that they have ever been set. So, after I changed a cloud variable in the project I now receive a set message as soon as I connect. This is a small bug, but would you consider making the initial load of a project act as if a user has set the cloud variables when they are first loaded?

The problem is that when the first connection to a project is received and an internal room is created, the server is never told what variables exist until something changes

This won't be fixed