
Chrome 10

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm getting rejected on Chrome 10.

My rejection configuration is:

reject: { // Rejection flags for specific browsers  
    all: false,
    msie5: true,
    msie6: true,
    msie7: true,

    firefox1: true,
    firefox2: true,

    chrome1: true,
    chrome2: true,
    chrome3: true,

    konqueror1: true,
    konqueror2: true,

    safari1: true,
    safari2: true,
    safari3: true,

    opera7: true,
    opera8: true,
    opera9: true

Gah, nvm, no other issues showed up so I thought this wasn't covered. I see now that it is.

A fix was discussed in Bug #1, though I've been too busy (/lazy) to incorporate it into the main branch. I will leave this bug open until I do so.

Bug fixed in 1.0-RC1