
Does segmentation branch have a significant impact on performance

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I found a segmentation branch in the code, but in the paper there is no segmentation, and whether repeated experiments can achieve the same effect in paper if I remove segmentation branch?

        loss = cls_loss * cls_loss_weight + reg_xytl_loss * xyt_loss_weight \
            + seg_loss * seg_loss_weight + iou_loss * iou_loss_weight

        return_value = {
            'loss': loss,
            'loss_stats': {
                'loss': loss,
                'cls_loss': cls_loss * cls_loss_weight,
                'reg_xytl_loss': reg_xytl_loss * xyt_loss_weight,
                'seg_loss': seg_loss * seg_loss_weight,
                'iou_loss': iou_loss * iou_loss_weight