
[Previous line repeated 993 more times] RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Opened this issue · 9 comments

python main.py configs/clrnet/clr_resnet18_culane.py --gpus 0

[Previous line repeated 993 more times] RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

import sys

2022-09-29 16:37:07,902 - clrnet.utils.recorder - INFO - Build train loader...
2022-09-29 16:37:07,947 - clrnet.datasets.base_dataset - INFO - Loading CULane annotations...
2022-09-29 16:37:09,947 - clrnet.utils.recorder - INFO - Start training...

Hi, I have the same issue. I also modified it to 2000 but then everything is hung after "Start training" log. The GPU/CPU and RAM resources are unchanged. Did you find any solution?

I have the same problem on Windows system, and my GPU is single card with cuda 11.3. Hopefully anyone can solve this problem.

Huapyw commented

have you sloved the issue?

I also met the same problem. Have you solved it

have you sloved the issue?


have you sloved the issue?


I solved this problem by changing the "workers=0"

have you sloved the issue?


I solved this problem by changing the "workers=0"

Thank you very much for your suggestions, but I don't know where to make the modification. I couldn't find it in the main.py file. Could you please tell me where to make the modification? Thank you once again.

For example, in path ./configs/clrnet/clr_resnet18_culane.py, the 'workers' is on line 120.

For example, in path ./configs/clrnet/clr_resnet18_culane.py, the 'workers' is on line 120. image

Thank you very much for your help! It was able to train using your method.