Image Based Install
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Create an img file for flashing an SD Card maybe using MuOS as a base. Similar to MOSS image based of JelOS used for the RGB30 created by
This could also open up the way for more hardware and software support
You must see MyMinUI (and MinUI as well) as a replacement for emulationstation. MOSS is just a trimmed and slim release of jelos to provide the minimum functions to boot the device and launch minui instead of emulationstation, that's it.
On Miyoo devices this can't be done as the firmware is stored in an internal emmc drive not accessible so the brick is almost immediate.
On RG35XX OG that has been done by batocera/koriki but it turned out in a slow system which I'm not interested to recover.
Unfortunately most of these cheap devices are made on poorly documented chipsets with closed source kernel binary so it is definitely no worth the effort to unlock them. It will be required a lot of time, consider that at the end these devices cost <50bucks with a lifetime shorter than a Year, once finished to develop nobody is remembering even the device name....
Thank you for clearing that up. It does seem like MuOS nailed alot of those issues out especially with their recent release. Maybe sometime down the line it could work.
Thank you for clearing that up. It does seem like MuOS nailed alot of those issues out especially with their recent release. Maybe sometime down the line it could work.
I have been meaning to do this for a while now, thanks for reminding me - it made for a fun project. :)
Would you like to test my SDCard image?
I also made this one a while back....
Anyways, enjoy!
Oh nice, well I cant wait to see what you come up with the future. So far a fantastic start
Please publish the script file so the image can be built automatically at every release.
Please publish the script file so the image can be built automatically at every release.
The root file system modifications I made are provided in MinUI-Legacy-RG35XX-MicroSDCardImage.source.tar.gz
The changes are located here....
MinUI-Legacy-RG35XX.img.source/SYSTEM/data/ (ROMS partition data)
MinUI-Legacy-RG35XX.img.source/SYSTEM/dmenu/dmenu_ln (rootfs boot script (runs before \misc\dmenu.bin)
I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else. :)
Would you like to test my SDCard image?
I've tested it last weak - so greate! wanna the same thing for H700 devices