
[BUG] Starting Twitter login process retuns 401 errors

Closed this issue ยท 10 comments

yakky commented

Describe the bug
On a freshly installed instance, the Twitter login process returns 401 errors

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start application after data wipe
  2. Click on 'Sign in with Twitter'
  3. Http 401 toast message is shown

Expected behavior
Twitter login process starts


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Oneplus 9
  • OS: Android 13
  • Variant FDroid
  • Version 1.6.0

Additional context

My best guess is that they revoked twidere API keys

Twidere X is also being suspend by Twitter, we will find another way to resolve it.

yakky commented

I'm so sorry for the obnoxious behavior of Twitter. Sending all the support for all your work

I'm getting the same error today. Yesterday worked fine.

fauust commented

Same here, good luck.

TPAXcc commented

I'm getting the same error today. Yesterday worked fine.

twitter developer agreement is update right now. Fuk u musk


Sohra commented

It's still not working for me, what's changed @Tlaster?

@Sohra, still not working for me as well. @Tlaster may have closed it because it's unfix-able with an update to Twitter based on what @TPAXcc said...

I installed the app today but also get this error. Is there a fix yet? The app is unusable, if I can't log in...

@jonaskor I'm not even sure there will be a fix. The Twitter API is no longer free and I've heard it's stupid expensive. I can't find any updates on the status of TwidereX specifically... I currently use Revanced Manager and an older Twitter APK to remove ads and the like. Hope this helps