
Project owner is undefined undefined

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Please don't work on this until the refactor has been performed.


Looks like this is due to

def query_user(kratos_username_or_user_id: str):
user = User(
current_app.config["driver"], kratos_user_id=kratos_username_or_user_id
res = user.query_kratos_user_id()
if res:
# todo: capture and deserialize the result of the query
return concat_user_info_with_project_list(user)
user = User(
current_app.config["driver"], username=kratos_username_or_user_id
res = user.query_username()
if res:
return concat_user_info_with_project_list(user)
return new_user(kratos_user_id=kratos_username_or_user_id)