
NuGet package

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi! this project looks awesome. And the fact it supports older versions (3.5) of .net framework and it is MIT licensed is perfect for the project we are working at my job. So, thank you!

Two questions:

  1. Is this library production ready?
  2. Do you have plans to publish it as a NuGet package? (I can include it as a git submodule, but I think it's better for convenience)

I could do publish it on NuGet, will update if/once I do.

As for production ready, I have had it in production on 5+ projects.

Perfect. Glad to hear that. And thanks for creating such a nice package! I'm eager to try it out 😊

@jhm-ciberman this nuget package is build ontop of your pull request

Amazing! Thank you!

(I will leave this issue open so others can see your link more easily)