[Feature request] Light theme and/or customizable/popular color schemes (if possible)?
irigone opened this issue · 0 comments
Very surprised that this hasn't been issued before. These two are very similar so I put them in one issue.
I prefer light themes (I use them at night too, with lights in my room turned on to ), probably some people like them too.
This is probably done on purpose but red on blue thing is hard to read and ugly for me personally. Every single number on 0bin with syntax highlighting is hard to read on my machine. For example, recently I've been having a weird spike in memory usage of Firefox recently, so when it happened again I opened a terminal window and started typing commands in fear that I won't be able to record this and numbers are actually the most important thing of the whole paste. If that was the case (it's at least for me and on different screens from cheap TN to AMOLED and IPS in my smartphones), it would be great if anyone was able to easily change the color scheme to something that is either customizable or very popular among programmers (Gruvbox, Solarized, Dracula, VS Code themes... you probably know them already). I'm very unhappy that I can't contribute myself with code because I'm not a programmer and have to make issues instead :(