
TT-12003 Expose Tyk Gateway liveness/readiness probe paths via values

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'd like to rename the Tyk Gateway health check endpoint /hello to /healthz for consistency. I can do this with the TYK_GW_HEALTHCHECKENDPOINTNAME environment variable, but if I do pods fail liveness checks because the liveness/readiness probes still check /hello.

It would be great if the liveness/readiness probe paths were exposed via values so they could be updated along with the health check endpoint. It would be even better if the path were automatically updated if TYK_GW_HEALTHCHECKENDPOINTNAME were set.

@jonathanfoster Thank you for raising the issue.

We plan to improve health check endpoints for all our components to show liveliness and readiness status accurately. Once these new endpoints are ready, we will include them in our helm charts and also make those fields configurable.