
Tyk SecurityPolicy with K8s CRD not working with Auth Key

IbuAR opened this issue · 4 comments

IbuAR commented

when we create a policy with the tyk operator, it is creating two ids _id (mongoid: 6333f0348f47e40001da45dd) and id (ZGVmYXVsdC90cmFuc2FjdGlvbi1hcGktcG9saWN5).

when we create a key with this policy and access the API it is throwing Access to this API has been disallowed because in the tyk gateway it is trying to get the policy with the id (ZGVmYXVsdC90cmFuc2FjdGlvbi1hcGktcG9saWN5) so it is returning policy not found.

I think the issue is the ApplyPolicies for the User Session State return id (ZGVmYXVsdC90cmFuc2FjdGlvbi1hcGktcG9saWN5) but in the policies map of the gateway the key is with _id (6333f0348f47e40001da45dd). so while ApplyPolicies is called, the gateway couldn’t find the policy.

apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecurityPolicy
  name: test-api-policy
  name: Test API Policy
  state: active
  active: true
  key_expires_in: 0
    - "test_policy"
    - name: test-api
      namespace: default
        - "Default"

Your Environment

  • tyk-operator version/commit: v0.11.0
  • Gateway: v4.0.3

@IbuAR Can you validate if allow_explicit_policy_id is set to true in your gateway config?

IbuAR commented

we are running a hybrid gateway, It's working when we set allow_explicit_policy_id=true.
so this is the option to toggling usage of id instead of internal id right?

IbuAR commented

Thanks, @komalsukhani 😄 👍