
using embeds for transactions

Opened this issue · 1 comments

TOGM commented

this would allow you to create custom links in your messages so that tx hash could go to a certain site.

pseudo code for
TOGM#0250: Purchased 5 tickets for 25.00000000 MSR with TX Hash: 4a9716702b7ec087db96d5a1b98ded543fcfc854efd74a42819da75a45c03336 😃
(in python):

hyperlink = "https://msrchain.net/search?value="
txhash = "4a9716702b7ec087db96d5a1b98ded543fcfc854efd74a42819da75a45c03336"
discordAuthor = "TOGM#0250"
tickets = "5"
ticketAmt = "25.00000000"
coinCode = "MSR"

embed=discord.Embed(title="Tickets Purchased", color=0xffd700)
embed.add_field(name="", value=discordAuthor+": Purchased "+ tickets +" tickets for "+ticketAmt+" "+coinCode+" with the TX Hash: "+"["+txhash+"]("+hyperlink+txhash+") :smiley:", inline=True)
return embed

That might be too complicated to do with sleepy discord. I'll look into it but what you can do is edit the language.json file and add that url to all the strings with txhash.

The most it could do in its current state to use the markdown system. https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101