
CS 398 Final Project

Primary LanguagePython


CS 398 Final Project By Tyler Yep, Jesse Doan


Adding more documentation because, heavens, we have guests! Step 0: Obtain the Code Studio data from Chris Piech (cpiech) and put it in data/.

Data Exploration

Jump into generate with cd generate/.

Run python data_loader.py to convert the data to json.

Set USE_FEEDBACK_NN = False in explore.py.

Then, run python explore.py to examine specific data examples.


Jump into generate with cd generate/.

Run python sample.py [problem_num] to get training data. This will also give the top 50 submissions in the source data that were not represented in your grammar. (Fix your grammar!)

YOU CAN ALSO run python sample.py 0 -a to get all training data.

Run python preprocess.py [problem_num] [data_path_here.pkl] to convert/split the data into train/val/test.

Run python train.py [problem_num] to train the model.

Run python report_card.py to get the student's aggregated report card.

Run python explore.py to examine specific data examples.


  • Wrote a grammar for p1-p4.

    • Learned what samples we were missing while we were sampling!
      • P1 - 82%
      • P2 - 99%
      • P3 - 52%
      • P4 - 56%
  • Created data exploration tool.

    • View a submission in its original code form.
    • Manually inspect student progress.
  • Create visualizations for rubric sampled AI.

  • Anomaly Detection.

    • Transition model

      • Find breakthrough moments = a single large transition score
      • Find backtracking moments = (not as important, save for later)
    • Bucketed learning

      • Use the categories of learning that we identified across all problems, and get transition scores for each of those categories instead. This is a student's "report card".
    • Deep Learning

      • Does amount of learning we arbitrarily calculated correlate with number of submissions later?
      • Plot final score vs (number of submissions later * time spent)
  • Ability Gradient Estimation.

    • Can you backprop student success on next problem to train transition weights for learning?
    • Model that predicts future success (number of submissions on next problem) based on calculated score?

Project Info

Motivating Question

How can we measure a student’s growth in Hour of Code? Can we find the moments when the student has learned, or in other words, advanced to a greater ability?

Based on our predicted student ability, we can better place students in the zone of proximal development, and can then give better recommendations (feedback/next problem to try). We can also evaluate students via a different metric (grit rather than recall).


For each problem in Code.org, we can build a rubric of mistakes the students are making. Given these rubric items, we can see whether the same students stop making these mistakes on a later problem, implying some measure of growth. If we identify this change in ability, we can make informed recommendations to increase the amount / rate of learning.


  1. Create rubric items for mistakes students make, and also when they don't make mistakes. This should align with intuitive notions of student growth, such as:
    • time to problem completion? (might not be true)
    • number of submissions
    • number of backtracks
    • amount of code increasing vs decreasing
    • code style?
  2. Simulate a student with some ability a_{init} answering questions on all Hour of Code questions.
  • Their ability randomly grows and rubric items change, and build our dataset.
  • Zero-shot learning problem.
  1. Validation - given a real student, predict student ability a_{final} using marked rubric items, and get a sense of the slope of a student's growth. See which rubric buckets change the most over time.