
Serialization of sub module introduces unneccessary prefixing

andreasjakobik opened this issue · 0 comments


We have discovered another serialization issue related to sub modules. Input model has a grouping and container like this:

submodule ericsson-nef-submodule-eventexposure {
    yang-version 1.1;
    // module identification
    belongs-to ericsson-nef {
        prefix "nefe";
   grouping nnef-eventexposure {
          container problem-type-uris {
                description "URI to identifies the problem type.";
                list problem-type-uri {
                    key error-code;
                    unique uri;
                    leaf error-code {
                        type int32;
                    leaf uri {
                        type inet:uri;
                        mandatory true;

However after serialization the key and unique references are prefixed:

submodule ericsson-nef-submodule-eventexposure {
    yang-version 1.1;
    // module identification
    belongs-to ericsson-nef {
        prefix "nefe";
   grouping nnef-eventexposure {
          container problem-type-uris {
                description "URI to identifies the problem type.";
                list problem-type-uri {
                    key nefe:error-code;
                    unique nefe:uri;
                    leaf error-code {
                        type int32;
                    leaf uri {
                        type inet:uri;
                        mandatory true;

The extra prefixing (key nefe:error-code; and unique nefe:uri;) is surprising and causes a problem with other of our components.

In general serialization should preserv what was originally parsed.
