
Add `packageOptions` config value for packages mode

Gerrit0 opened this issue · 3 comments

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Configuration duplication, packages mode


Currently, to set up TypeDoc with "packages" mode, you have to set up a config file for each package. In my experience, these generally look something like the following... in every single package folder.

    "extends": ["../../typedoc.base.json"],
    "entryPoints": ["src/index.ts"]

Suggested Solution

Support a packageOptions section when reading an options file. This value should be an object which recursively references TypeDoc's base configuration schema so that monorepos containing many packages whose TypeDoc configuration is currently forced to be duplicated in each directory can instead be present only in the root config, then applied to each package's options object before reading any options for that directory.

I notice that tsconfig also needs to be present in every package for the rootdir/outdir/include paths. Do you know if there's currently a way around this?

That's a limitation of TypeScript so far as I know...

Included in TypeDoc 0.26, which is releasing 2024/06/21