
CKEditor 4 reached its End-of-Life in June 2023

mylselgan opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi it seems, TypiCMS still uses CKEditor 4 but CKEditor 4 reached its End-of-Life in June 2023


Please check.

This is very important issue. Does TypiCMS have the option to change the default editor, e.g. to quill ?

There is currently no option to change the default editor but implementing a new solution is planned. I need to find the time to do it.

you can remove latest version with 'npm remove ckeditor4'.
then install last free 'npm install ckeditor4@4.22'

In my opinion it's not about to have any working editor but to have secure editor. Do you think to use something without author support and outdated is wise ?

This situation is not ideal but you can use the paid Extended Support Model for CKEditor 4.