
Add support for loading arguments from a file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for this amazing framework, first of all.

One general issue in the case of similar frameworks is specifying persistent values for parameters. Environment variables work well for ad-hoc runtime replacement, but if they are the only way to achieve this, an ugly starter script is required to run your app.

To solve this well, I propose adding support for Generic Host. The reason is that it has thought-through support for config files that can be easily overridden for development, production, and so on, and even by environment variables. I think it could live side by side with the current options, which are just great.

I think a better option is to add support for response files so that you can load arguments from a file.

I decided that loading arguments from a file is also too niche of a use case. You can plug CliFx into generic host instead, using code as examplified here: #22