
Installing texmaker and mactex with Homebrew (modify the command)

lenatech opened this issue · 3 comments

here's some advices.
I installed the mactex & texmaker with Homebrew

brew install mactex texmaker

And it told me that the formulas are found in a tap. Hence, it should be installed with Homebrew Cask:

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install mactex texmaker

Does this means that the installation with Homebrew as described in our guide does not work?

Maybe someone can confirm this. I don't have much experience with Mac, but could also try to ask a colleague on that issue...

Hi @zuphilip
i don't know if it is because "i already have homebrew" or something
But my steps was like:
$brew update
$brew install mactex
And I got the formula not found like this and also the suggestion:

And i also had a look at the instruction here

Okay, thank you for the explanation. I created out of this a PR #162 and added your name, such that you can get the credit for it. Is that okay?