
Peer review feedback - (Yuwei, Aditya)

adityashrm21 opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Y-axis should be labeled so that we know which variable is being analyzed.
  • The variable option names on the side panel can be named properly so that users know the meaning of the options they select
  • A title can be added for the plot that clearly states what the plot is trying to show.
  • The line plot is a good way of showing the trend over time and the app conveys that information effectively for each city.
  • The option to select a range for the years is an effective option if a user wants to see the trend for a short/long period of time.
  • Some of the city names contain the state names as well but some don't. It would be good to have a uniform choice of using the state names along with the city names or just the city names.
  • There is a typo in the side panel text: " endeavout -> endeavour"