rawspec is not reporting .raw file permission denied
texadactyl opened this issue · 1 comments
texadactyl commented
writing output files in FBH5 format
working stem: /datax/scratch/AMITY_INDIA/raghav/GSB_iFFT_pipeline/PASV_to_GUPPI/oneblock_NOpadding.0000.raw
opening file: /datax/scratch/AMITY_INDIA/raghav/GSB_iFFT_pipeline/PASV_to_GUPPI/oneblock_NOpadding.0000.raw.0000.raw [No such file or directory]
output product 0: 0 spectra
but blimpy rawhdr reveals on the same file:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'oneblock_NOpadding.0000.raw'
texadactyl commented
I must have missed opening file: oneblock_withpadding.0000.raw [Permission denied]