
Specific MeerKAT files cause erratic behaviour in GPU mode

texadactyl opened this issue · 3 comments

On blpc0, the Filterbank files in /datax/scratch/jzhang/highfreres/blpn51 are processed by turbo_seti in 2 inconsistent ways:

  • CPU mode: It appears that this mode operates as expected.
  • GPU mode: Wild results.

Parameters used with the turboSETI command line:
-g y/n
-M 4
-s 5
-n 4 (should have been 512)

The CPU-mode and GPU-mode results are attached. The GPU mode results are brief because I killed the turboSETI run when I saw that the top hits made no sense at all.

I just ran voyager in both -g n and -g y modes. The results were identical. It seems that this must be a data-dependent issue.

You can just run one of the Filterbank files in both modes and you'll see the issue immediately.