Older version for basic_tutorial
Closed this issue · 3 comments
mbergmann1324 commented
Could it be that the version for the basic_tutorial is outdated.
When running "campaign = uq.Campaign(name='beam', params=params, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder)" I get an error when running on my cluster. I needed to use Actions provided to me by Wouter. Also using the Triangle function leads to an error.
The code that works for me/us:
execute = ExecuteLocal("{}/beam input.json".format(os.getcwd()))
actions = Actions(CreateRunDirectory(root="/toks/work/mberg/astra7_IDA/python_scripts/", flatten=True), Encode(encoder), execute, Decode(decoder))
campaign = uq.Campaign(name="beam", params=params, actions=actions)
vary = {"F": cp.Normal(1, 0.1), "L": cp.Normal(1.5, 0.01), "a": cp.Uniform(0.7, 1.2)} # , "D": cp.Triangle(0.75, 0.8, 0.85)}
campaign.set_sampler(uq.sampling.SCSampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=3))
djgroen commented
Edited original comment to show code in fixed font format.
djgroen commented
I just ran the basic tutorial on my local machine after updating EasyVVUQ to the latest version, and it seems to work properly for me. @wedeling could you perhaps see if you can reproduce this error?
If not, should we still update the tutorial to use this action coe?
wedeling commented
The tutorial work for me too. Closing