
Add ANC HIV testing for diagnosed women

Opened this issue · 2 comments

How do we deal with women in ANC that are diagnosed but did not disclose their status? Should this be different for a 1-month time step vs a 3-month time step?

*5Nov2016: women who are already diagnosed but who do not disclose get tested;
    u=rand('uniform'); if registd=1 and tested ne 1 and u<0.7 then do; * tested=1;tested_anc_prevdiag=1; end;

"I don’t think we would expect the non-disclosure of HIV to last beyond the first ANC test, since they will be 're-diagnosed' at that point."

SAS code should have and caldate{t} = dt_start_pregn+0.25 added to the list of conditions.

Double check against the SAS code
Check in particular the use of HIV_STATUS instead of e.g. diagnosis. At the moment I think only HIV- women are being tested, but it should be undiagnosed women + the proportion of diagnosed women who don't disclose. (Otherwise the tests will always be negative)