
Invalid HTTPS certificate

nARN opened this issue · 2 comments

nARN commented

Please ensure that the issue is related to the development of the service. Data and content issues do not fall into the remit of the development team unless they are not working as expected. Queries related to data and content should be directed to the email provided on the website.

Describe the bug presents a generic Azure's certificate, which is not valid for this domain. The issue is made worse by HSTS. Even though HSTS does not appear to be enabled at the moment several devices that I own remember it from earlier and refuse to even add an exception.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to
  2. See error

Expected behaviour
A valid certificate is expected

Screenshot from 2022-10-17 13-50-41

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: windows/linux/android
  • Browser: chrome/firefox
  • Version: multiple
nARN commented

Correction: I claimed that was affected. This is incorrect and the certificate there is valid. I was confused by the redirect from there to I corrected the description of the bug now.

This is now fixed.