split WUDay_id into individual explicit variables

sunt05 opened this issue · 0 comments

sunt05 commented
      ! TODO: split WUDay_id into individual explicit variables

REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: wu_ext !external water use [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: wu_int !internal water use [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoffAGveg !Above ground runoff from vegetated surfaces for all surface area [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoffAGimpervious !Above ground runoff from impervious surface for all surface area [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoff_per_tstep !runoff water at each time step [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoffPipes !runoff to pipes [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoffSoil_per_tstep !Runoff to deep soil per timestep [mm] (for whole surface, excluding water body)
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: runoffwaterbody !Above ground runoff from water body for all surface area [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: smd !soil moisture deficit [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: SoilState !Area-averaged soil moisture for whole surface [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: state_per_tstep !state_id at each timestep [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: surf_chang_per_tstep !change in state_id (exluding snowpack) per timestep [mm]
REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: tot_chang_per_tstep !Change in surface state_id [mm]