ERROR with GIS part: failed to add field name "XXX" and failed with running PRMS

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zzusb commented

Some field can't be added to the gis field. I have no idea about it. How do I solve this error? Could anyone give me a hint? The follows are part of error output:

WARNING: OGR layer already exists and will be overwritten
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'hru_area_m2'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'hru_segment'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'obsin_segment'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'aspect_x_sum'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'aspect_y_sum'
WARNING: OGR layer <gravity_reservoirs> already exists and will be overwritten
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_hru_aspect'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_hru_slope'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_outlet_sta'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_hru_xlong'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_hru_segment'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_obsin_segment'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_soil_type'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_aspect_x_sum'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'a_aspect_y_sum'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'b_basinmask'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'gvr_cell_id'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'hru_area_m2'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'cell_area_m2'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'gvr_cell_pct'
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'gvr_hru_pct'

I think this error may cause the failure of running GSFLOW. The last part (running GSFLOW) of was not successfully run. Those are the our records of running PRMS:

WARNING: parameter 'adj_by_hru' is not required; file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 23109
WARNING: pt_alpha[0] = 0.750000 is out of range (1.000000 to 2.000000); file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 33503

WARNING: parameter 'mnsziter' is not required; file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 40376

WARNING: parameter 'szconverge' is not required; file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 40383

WARNING: parameter 'print_freq' is not required; file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 43456

WARNING: parameter 'print_type' is not required; file is ../inputs/PRMS_GSFLOW/CannonRiver_2layer_60mDEM_1200mMODFLOW_GSFLOW.param; line number 43463
ERROR - CHECK_ani_vars: sat_recharge is not a valid animation output variable.
Set animation variables: sat_recharge is not a valid stat variable.

I used the latest example of Cannon. The version of GRASS GIS is 7.6 of Ubuntu. Maybe those problem can be own to the unstable GRASS GIS on ubuntu?

zzusb commented

The column name is too long (exceed 10 charactes) to export to an ESRI Shapefile.

These errors occur because of the Shapefile limitations, but cause no problems with the actual run. Note in the README where we indicate that you should ignore them :)

See #14. We might just update to exporting a different format (e.g., GPKG), but Shapefile is so common...