Error: v.stream_inbasin()

zzusb opened this issue · 1 comments

zzusb commented

I used a new DEM file to Run, some error occured. There is something wrong with the extension v.stream_inbasin. There are no area features in the temporary files

Default clipping with dissolved clip map.
Warning:No 'column' option specified. Dissolving based on category values
         from layer <1>.
Extracting features...
Building topology for vector map <temp_32268@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
Writing attributes...
Removing duplicate centroids...
Building topology for vector map <temp_32268@PERMANENT>...
Registering primitives...
Copying vector features from <basins_all@PERMANENT>...
Copying vector features from <temp_32268@PERMANENT>...
Error:No area features found in vector map <temp_32268@PERMANENT>.
         Verify 'btype' parameter.
Error:Clipping steps failed. Check above error messages and see
         following details:
         Module run None ['v.overlay', 'binput=temp_32268', 'operator=and',
         'olayer=0,1,0', 'ainput=basins_all', 'output=basins_inbasin']
         ended with error
         Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the
         (error) output.

Could you verify whether this error also occurs when you use the example input data? This will help us to isolate the problem to the code vs. the input.