registration - few comments that might help you
yoavlevy opened this issue · 1 comments
I run
Few comments that might help you:
one of the algorithms work well. the other one is not
T = gicp_SE3(np.asarray(fixed.points), np.asarray(moving.points)) - works well
#T = gicp_Sim3(np.asarray(fixed.points), np.asarray(moving.points)) - gives wrong T. both in scale and in translation -
I am not sure the transform was to the right direction in the original code. anyway, the following works well:
a = copy.deepcopy(ptCloudRef)
b = copy.deepcopy(ptCloudCurrent).transform(T)
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([a, b]) -
better use deep copy - otherwise things are changing unexpectedly.
I had to change the way the code loads the data:
dataset =
pcds = []
for pcd_path in dataset.paths:
ptCloudRef = pcds[0]"ptCloud/livingRoomData1.ply")
ptCloudCurrent = pcds[1]"ptCloud/livingRoomData2.ply") -
at the end of:
def compute_jacobian(X, p_target, p_source, Ct, Cs, target_idx, survived_idx):
I had to squeeze the b:
return A, np.squeeze(b)
disclimer - so far I run only the following part I from the file
#!usr/bin/env python
import copy
from time import sleep
3-D Point Cloud Registration and Stitching example of GICP
Author: Fangtong Liu
Date: 06/03/2020
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from import LivingRoomPointClouds
import threading
from gicp_SE3 import gicp_SE3
from gicp_Sim3 import gicp_Sim3
from import loadmat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from tqdm import tqdm
if name == "main":
dataset =
pcds = []
for pcd_path in dataset.paths:
# o3d.visualization.draw(pcds[0])
ptCloudRef = pcds[0]"ptCloud/livingRoomData1.ply")
ptCloudCurrent = pcds[1]"ptCloud/livingRoomData2.ply")
gridSize = 0.05
fixed = ptCloudRef.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=gridSize)
moving = ptCloudCurrent.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=gridSize)
# points = np.asarray(fixed.points)
# num_points_to_keep = len(moving.points)
# random_indices = np.random.choice(len(points), num_points_to_keep, replace=False)
# fixed = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
# fixed.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points[random_indices])
################# solve for tf ##########################
T = gicp_SE3(np.asarray(fixed.points), np.asarray(moving.points))
#T = gicp_Sim3(np.asarray(fixed.points), np.asarray(moving.points))
accumTform = np.copy(T)
ptCloudAligned = copy.deepcopy(ptCloudCurrent).transform(T)
ptCloudScene = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
ptCloudScene += ptCloudAligned
ptCloudScene += ptCloudRef
a = copy.deepcopy(ptCloudRef)
b = copy.deepcopy(ptCloudCurrent).transform(T)
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([a, b])
sorry for the formatting that was added automatically... I submitted a plane text