Reorganising NIfTI files from dcm2niix into the Brain Imaging Data Structure
- 0
Crash when a tag that usually contains a list is not in the JSON sidecar but present in the criteria of the config file
#321 opened by po09i - 0
`skip_dcm2niix` fails if dcm2niix is not in $PATH
#320 opened by SamGuay - 0
Support for MRS data?
#319 opened by juliam98 - 1
[BUG] Seems like output dir tree printing in dcm2bids_scaffold assumes UTF-8 encoding which breaks logging on windows
#317 opened by kenanoestreich - 0
Document new (and old) features
#308 opened by SamGuay - 1
Maybe a tab error
#310 opened by xacky-x - 0
- 4
Provide a Docker image that includes pydeface
#272 opened by SamGuay - 2
- 8
Script removes task information from filenames.
#298 opened by juliam98 - 8
bids validator not working properly
#300 opened by MRIDude - 3
Subprocess Error Assistance
#290 opened by faulknerryan72 - 1
- 0
- 1
Error: Too many NIFTI images with the name
#284 opened by CogBrainHealthLab - 1
KeyError: 'datatype'
#279 opened by GerardYu - 1
TypeError in Acquisition.init() when running dcm2bids
#280 opened by mtmmu88 - 0
[BUG] dcmbids binary
#273 opened by arnaudbore - 4
Processing order issue ? ```"IntendedFor" No id found for 'IntendedFor' value 'XX'```
#276 opened by vferat - 2
Creating several 3D images instead of a single 4D image.
#255 opened by granitz - 0
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New features or enh for next release
#256 opened by arnaudbore - 6
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pydra-dcm2bids: Pydra tasks for dcm2bids
#197 opened by ghisvail - 2
Should this line be pointing to one of the sidecar files?
#252 opened by arokem - 0
- 0
IntendedFor and Sources with only relative path to dataset root is now deprecated
#241 opened by SamGuay - 0
- 1
Problem with dcm2bids
#230 opened by lysianne23 - 1
dots in nifti file names not correctly parsed
#177 opened by fedgiove - 2
dcm2bids very slow on HPC
#186 opened by hellenmir - 1
Deface not working
#188 opened by adamnarai - 1
Add "run" info to files even if not duplicates
#198 opened by smeisler - 1
[feature request] always add `run-<>` label
#216 opened by smeisler - 4
adding varying series descriptions for the same series as a list in config.json
#173 opened by Arshitha - 0
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- 2
default readme in BIDS dataset after conversion
#176 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
GE multi-echo fMRI data converted to run-01, run-02 instead of run-01_echo-01, run-01_echo-02, etc.
#175 opened by weberam2 - 1
dcm2bids_scaffold needs a refresher
#159 opened by SamGuay - 1
json files missing phase encoding direction, total readout time, slice timing, and echo spacing
#178 opened by alexis-victoria - 1
there is an attribute error in the underlying python package when running dcm2bids through singularity
#179 opened by seaguldee - 1
'Dicom Images Not Found" Error
#174 opened by mmo8 - 1
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Need Ability to Configure dcm2niix Search Depth
#191 opened by wasciutto - 3
citation text
#189 opened by Arshitha - 3
dcm2bids not updating to 2.1.9 (conda environment)
#184 opened by Catyre - 2
scaffold does not support over ride
#170 opened by GMerakis - 0
Can't use --forceDcm2niix option with dcm2bids_helper
#160 opened by SamGuay