Bid data unavailable after March 2021

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Bidding data in the tables BIDPEROFFER_D and BIDDAYOFFER_D isn't available after March 2021, because AEMO has stopped uploading these tables.

These tables can probably be recreated by using the tables BIDPEROFFER and BIDDAYOFFER, which contain all bids submitted by participants not just those used in dispatch, by applying the appropriate filtering.

This fix is currently being worked on.

Turns out the data is still being uploaded by AEMO (https://www.nemweb.com.au/REPORTS/Archive/Bidmove_Complete/)

However, the way it is being stored is quiet different to previously so this will take some work (and time) to resolve.

This issue should be fixed with version 3.1.0. As per the release notes, there will still be a window of approx one month of missing data.