
Miscellaneous whiteboard issues

Closed this issue · 1 comments

jkeat commented

Whiteboard bug reports

1. "the student's writing looked jagged to me, when I would refresh, most of it would look normal. sometimes it seemed like writing went completely missing after refreshing though."
2. "some of the things on the screen ALSO looked jagged to the student. definitely their own writing on some occasions, not sure about my writing."
3. "the screen randomly cleared on at least one but maybe two occasions. neither me nor the student pressed the trashcan icon."
4. "it seemed like on some occasions there were mystery lines being drawn in random places on the screen (don't think the student was trying to do that)"
5. "student also mentioned that they were having trouble scrolling down at one point.
6. "There were occasions on which it wasn't letting me write at all on the whiteboard. eventually it let me write again. as far as I could tell, the student wasn't drawing at that point in time."
7. "there was a fair amount of delay in when the messages i sent would appear in the chat."
8. "after they erased, where they drew with the eraser re-appeared as pen lines"

jkeat commented

Most of these have been resolved; closing for now