
Enemies (Sprint4)

Opened this issue · 5 comments


Task: Enemies
Feature: Fix animation, timing appearance, map covering

The enemy feature will consist of enemy design and appearance following with its own character movement. The enemies will be spawning at intervals within the multiple lanes to attack the main player character ( the player will have to tackle these encounters by switching lanes). The goal of the enemies is to restrict the player before it crosses the hurdle.


  • While the player reaches the encountering region of enemies. It will have to dodge the enemies before getting trapped into the situation where the enemy has touched the player for which it will lose its health by a certain amount. Players can choose to attack the enemies. After one attack, the enemy will disappear. The movement of enemies would be from the right side of the screen and towards the player on the left side, within the lane.


  • Dependency 1 - Map generation (#10 )
  • Dependency 2 - Player interaction (#5)

Map generation

  • Enemy positions will depend upon the map layout for example ( Enemies positioned at multiple lanes ).
  • Change the map to the left and right full-screen mode, and the enemy will continue running on the changed background of the map corners.

Player Interaction

  • Every time the player touches the enemies, it will impact in reducing health.
  • The player needs to defeat regular appearing enemies with one attack or with multiple (double) attacks.


Enemies Introduction
Enemies Sprint 4 Improvements
Enemies User Testing and Test Plan 4



List of steps that need to be completed for this task.

  • Step 1 (Oct. 10)
  • Step 2 (Oct. 14)
  • Step 3 (Oct. 15)
  • Step 4 (Oct.17)
  • Step 5 (Oct. 18)

Completion Deadline: Oct. 19


  • Step 1- Modify the animation for enemies. (because there are some redundant parts) (Oct. 10)
  • Step 2- Time enemies to make sure they don't have too many at once. (Oct. 14)
  • Step 3- Change the map to the left and right full-screen mode (Oct. 15)
  • Step 4- Testing (Oct. 17)
  • Step 5- Final check (Oct. 18)
  • Sprint 4 submission (Oct. 19)


Hey guys, I'm from the player interaction team. We are redesigning all player interaction animations. We'd like to know how many kinds of enemies you will put in the final game. Do they have the same effect on player?

Hey guys, I'm from the player interaction team. We are redesigning all player interaction animations. We'd like to know how many kinds of enemies you will put in the final game. Do they have the same effect on player?

Hi there, we will eventually have four kinds of enemies, and their effect on the player are the same.

Hey guys, I'm from the player interaction team. We are redesigning all player interaction animations. We'd like to know how many kinds of enemies you will put in the final game. Do they have the same effect on player?


Hey guys, this is Aayush from team 3. can you please provide image of demon enemy with transparent background?

Hey guys, this is Aayush from team 3. can you please provide image of demon enemy with transparent background?
