
Task Ticket - Create Tutorial for Ragnarok Racer Game

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Task: [Create Tutorial for Ragnarok Racer Game]
Feature: [Gives a description of game to the player]

Provides a description of the game to the player. Gives instructions about how to play the game.


  • Dependency 1: (#71) -- Information about Enemies
  • Dependency 2: (#9) -- Information about Map Contents


List of steps that need to be completed for this task.

  • Decide what should be on the page.(Sep. 20)
  • Create a mock-up page.(Sep. 21)
  • Applying the mock-up page(Sep. 22)
  • Make improvements (adding more components, adding images) (Oct.3)


https://github.com/UQdeco2800/2021-ext-studio-1/wiki/Enemies. hey guys this is the information regarding enemies which is to be added in tutorial section.

https://github.com/UQdeco2800/2021-ext-studio-1/wiki/Map-contents Added features to the wiki pages so you can got the content's information into tutorial system