
Task Ticket - Pass player's gold from RagnorakRacer to GameOverDisplay

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Task: Pass player's gold from RagnarokRacer to GameOverDisplay
Feature: Score System

Implementing a system on a new branch with the goal to get the player's gold to transfer over to the GameOverScreen for display on the UI. Currently it all works, but unsure if it is possible for RagnorakRacer to pass the player's gold to the GameOverScreen so that the GameOverScreen can pass it to GameOverDisplay.




  • Dependency 1: Win Screen : Win screen must be functional in order to display gold or final score on screen
  • Dependency 2: Lose Condition/Game Over Screen : Game Over screen must be functional in order to display gold or final score on screen
  • Dependency 3: Score System :Score system must be implemented and functional in order to generate a final score that can be displayed on the win/lose screen.


List of steps that need to be completed for this task.

  • Implementation of new system to pass gold onto GameOverScreen(Oct. 13)


Luke Hewitt (@FrederickTheGr8)
Callum Higgins (@electricalengi)