
Load Page

Opened this issue · 0 comments


The loading page is needed as a transition between long wait times between screens, particularly between the main menu and the main game screen. This transition is needed to better inform users playing the game that the game is being loaded and to prevent users from believing that the game has crashed or is unresponsive.

SubFeature/component (optional)

  • A suitable background that depicts/highlights a certain element of the game in a meaningful way
  • A loading bar that conveys the progress in the loading of the game
  • Draft tips
  • Add tips or text on the loading screen to present to the user.


  • Dependent on the UI/UX team on the style of the game and develop an engaging yet coherent background


Programming Goals

  • Goal 1: Make Background
  • Goal 2: Check Background with Design Committee
  • Goal 3: Implement into Game

Completion Deadline: Oct. 18


Aviral Sharma @4vir4l
Olivia Leighton (@Olivialeighton)
Bagus Prabowo Reksoprodjo (@baguspr)
Tara-Jade Garnsworthy (@tgarnsworthy)
Syed Muhammad Zahir (@ChevScore)