We introduce TACIT: An Open-Source Text Analysis, Crawling and Interpretation Tool. TACIT's plugin architecture has three main components: 1. Crawling plugins 2. Corpus management 3. Analysis plugins. TACIT's open-source plugin platform allows the architecture to easily adapt with the rapid developments text analysis.
- alexhannaDistributed AI Research Institute
- BKPetkov
- daralthusMakethink
- denisfitz57
- dm3
- eghPublic Library of Science
- emraherAnkara
- etakgozStockholm, Sweden
- falkirks@stripe
- filipmaelbranckeXTi
- igorbrigadirInsight Centre for Data Analytics
- ilovejsSydney
- jacobsheaDigital Boss
- jefallbright
- johnymontana@hypermodeinc
- LeoSolaris
- lzimmQorporation
- mattbarron
- MaxfieldLewin
- michaelben
- miketahaniBay Area, CA
- mring33621Chicago, IL
- n-batalhaLondon, UK
- nxbdiAgile Mobile Developer
- pablobarberaUniversity of Southern California
- paulfitzGrist Labs
- pixelandpenGeotab
- rogeriomarques
- RuslanZavacky@crowdstrike
- saturationTampere
- shanbadyMIT Open Learning
- shaunparkerLohi Labs
- winterdl
- xeoncrossMoving littlebig/biglittle data globally
- zaork