
As an FS admin I want to see correct references to the Forest Service so that I feel good about using the system.

Opened this issue · 1 comments


There are many references to the "National Forest Service" where they are not entirely correct.
There are "National Forests", and there is the "Forest Service".

There is "National Forest Service land", but there is not someone at the "National Forest Service"

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Forest or the Forest Service are correctly referred to in all pages where they are referenced.


  • Update the "Contact us" sections of the TOG Learn More page
  • Update the "Contact us" sections of the NCGU Learn More page
  • In step 2 of all applicant confirmation pages for TOG and NCGU remove "a representative of the National Forest Service will contact you via email to resolve any issues" replace with "a Special Use Administrator will contact you by email."
  • In step 2 of all email notification messages for both TOG and NCGU where "what happens next" information is provided: remove "a representative of the National Forest Service will contact you via email to resolve any issues" replace with "a Special Use Administrator will contact you by email."
  • In the contact us section of the email notifications remove "If you have questions or need to contact the permit staff at the National Forest Service, please use a method listed below" and replace with "If you'd like to contact the special use permit administration staff at the Forest, please use a method listed below"
  • PO approved

Definition of Done

  • Pull requests meet technical definition of done
  • [] Compare finished design with mockup
  • Usability tested

@briandavidson can you check the DoD boxes too?
As PO I'll do the acceptance criteria box and PO approved.

I put a note in the Dev channel that I just tested a NCGU application, and a TOG application, and I did not receive the confirmation email that the applicant is supposed to get. I am unable to complete a check on this story unless I can see the emails the applicants get...