
As an applicant making updates to my "on hold" NCGU application, I don't want to have errors in unexpected fields (Email) so that I can submit easily.

Opened this issue · 6 comments


This story is very similar to #1194
1194 tasks appear to have only been completed for the TOG application.

The NCGU edit application experience also needs to be updated:

the applicant has already validated their email address in their original application. The "Edit Application" mode should not require the applicant to re-enter their email address in the "Email address confirmation" box; it should remain pre-populated with the data they originally entered.
Screen Shots
NCGU edit application screen does not currently populated the email address confirmation (that the applicant has already submitted)
When the applicant misses this (not expecting to have to re-confirm in edit mode), they receive an error, and have to type in their email address again:

Acceptance Criteria

  • The "Email address confirmation" box is pre-populated in the NCGU edit application page with the originally entered data.


  • Fix email for the NCGU edit application page
  • PO approved

Definition of Done

  • Pull requests meet technical definition of done
  • [] Compare finished design with mockup
  • Usability tested

@briandavidson this is a tag along to 1194 - it looks like 1194 was only completed for the TOG application. So I created this story to also updated the NCGU edit application instance.

Hmm, I thought the component I updated for 1194 was a shared component that got used in both places. Clearly not! -- I'll patch this up, sorry about that @ASprinkle !

Hmm, I thought the component I updated for 1194 was a shared component that got used in both places. Clearly not! -- I'll patch this up, sorry about that @ASprinkle !

^^ strike that -- that is wrong. this was most definitely not a shared component. patching it up now.

@briandavidson When moving a story from in progress to awaiting acceptance can you please also check the task and DoD boxes? This way I know that stuff is all good.

This is looking great! once you confirm the DoD and tasks are checked, then I'll PO Approve. Thanks!

I'll step it up with my box ticking, my fault @ASprinkle !

blocked by #1196