
As a Super User Admin, I would like to be able to choose my forest in the season dates and cutting area dates, so that I can change the dates for my forest if I need to.

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The superuser admin role is not allowing the admin to choose their forest when changing season dates or area cutting dates.

68747470733a2f2f696d616765732e7a656e68756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f3564393361373732633865346438303030313232376139352f35643864613563352d656161642d346164662d383734392d383962366533363365636363 copy

68747470733a2f2f696d616765732e7a656e68756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f3564393361373732633865346438303030313232376139352f35383738366330622d393230332d343538312d393635622d303466306563616333303134 copy

Acceptance Criteria

  • The superuser admin role has all the needed permissions and availability for all forests


  • The superuser admin role is able to see all of the forests under Season Dates
  • The superuser admin role is able to change the season dates for any forest
  • The superuser admin role is able to see all of the forests under Cutting Area Dates
  • The superuser admin role is able to change the cutting area dates for any forest
  • PO approved

Definition of Done

  • Pull requests meet technical definition of done
  • Usability tested

This round of testing for super user via eAuth is looking good!

Christmas Tree:



Special Uses:


Hey @carlsonem and @Rebekah-Hernandez as discussed in standup earlier this seems to be redundant with #1182 and can be closed.

The PR for that is here. After it gets approved and merged in this issue will be resolved.