
As Special-Use Admin I'd like to know that I can accept applications to SUDS, so that I can respond to our applicants in a timely manner.

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Currently, admins on Special-Uses (whether POC1, POC2, or SuperUser) are unable to accept applications to SUDS. Instead they get a warning message informing them that their request was not able to processes. Per testing already completed, users that should be able to accepts applications are being prevented from doing so.

can't accept app snap.jpg


Acceptance Criteria

  • Super Users are able to accept applications to SUDS
  • POC1 users are able to accept applications to SUDS
  • POC2 users get the proper warning message when the attempt to accept applications


  • Reproduce the issue in production for testing purposes
  • Test to see if issues reproduces in dev and staging
  • Identify recent change preventing admins from accepting applications
  • Correct or revert any changes that are preventing admins from accepting applications

Definition of Done

  • Pull requests meet technical definition of done
  • Usability tested

It's come to our attention that this same issue can be reproduced locally, with a more descriptive error message.


@Dmac26 @mwreiss @ericsorenson This is completed. The issue was in suds accepting permits in dev and staging. It is resolved. the issue was site was down from suds database team.