
Experience with short talks

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I don't believe that one minute is long enough to do more than entice visitors to the presenter's poster, something that might better be handled with a listing.

Back when I was a professional astronomer, the American Astronomical Society conferences consisted of 5 minute talks and poster sessions. I learned that in 5 minutes you can communicate to a knowledgeable audience what you did, why it's important, and the results you obtained. An additional minute was reserved to get the next speaker ready and for an audience question. I think listeners focused better with the short talks than with the 20-30 minute talks I encountered when I switched to computer science.

Whether you go with one or five minute talks, all visuals need to be provided ahead of time and loaded onto a single machine to avoid wasting time between talks, .

leeN commented

S&P worked similarly this year: a 7-minute presentation followed by a poster for Q&A/further information. All slides were sent in advance and available on the presentation machine prior to the session.

This worked fairly well, I thought, although I think something like 5 minutes would be preferable. If you can't get your idea across in that timeframe, I'm unsure 10 additional minutes will help much.